In the picturesque setting of Pienza, nestled amidst the scenic landscapes of the Val d'Orcia, an annual culinary event celebrates one of the most iconic products of Tuscan tradition: the Cheese Festival.

This festival, now an integral part of the region's cultural heritage, takes place during the first week of September, with festivities that may extend until the end of August. During these days, the streets of Pienza come alive with celebration, welcoming visitors from every corner of the world eager to taste the authenticity of the local cheese.

Cheese is the undisputed star of the event, prepared according to ancient recipes passed down through generations. The skilled artisans of the area showcase their expertise in cheese making, offering visitors a wide selection of cheeses typical of the region, including pecorino and goat cheese, accompanied by local delicacies such as honey, jams, and cured meats.

In addition to cheese tasting, the festival offers entertainment for all ages, with folk performances, live concerts, and stalls selling artisanal products.

The Cheese Festival of Pienza is not just an opportunity to delight the palate with the genuine flavors of Tuscany, but also a moment of sharing and celebration, where visitors can immerse themselves fully in the warm and welcoming atmosphere of this enchanting city.
43.0791797138317 11.6748036851997
+39 338 485 9041
Pienza, Siena