In the picturesque Contignano, nestled among the gentle hills of Tuscany, an annual culinary event celebrates one of the region's most beloved dishes: the Ravioli Festival.

This festival, now a well-established tradition, takes place in the third week of August, specifically from Wednesday to Sunday. During these days, the village of Contignano comes alive with irresistible colors, sounds, and aromas, welcoming visitors from all corners of the world to savor the best of Tuscan cuisine.

The undisputed star of the festivities is the ravioli, prepared according to recipes passed down through generations. The local residents showcase their culinary skills, offering visitors a wide range of freshly made ravioli filled with delicious local ingredients such as ricotta, spinach, and meat.

In addition to ravioli tasting, the festival also features entertainment for the whole family, including live music, folklore performances, and artisanal markets.

The Ravioli Festival in Contignano is much more than just a gastronomic event; it is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the authentic atmosphere of Tuscany, savoring genuine flavors and experiencing the warm hospitality of its inhabitants.
42.9768428154973 11.7412898413104
Contignano, Radicofani