The Bruscello of Montepulciano is a significant theatrical event that takes place every year in August in the picturesque setting of Piazza Grande. This performance, rooted in ancient Tuscan peasant traditions, is a popular sung representation typical of the Val di Chiana, involving the entire community in a collective rite of memory and cultural celebration.

The origin of the Bruscello dates back to the Middle Ages when Tuscan peasants performed in the courtyards of farms, telling stories of love, war, and daily life through songs and recitations. Today, the Bruscello of Montepulciano continues this tradition, with performances that stage historical dramas, local legends, and folk tales, interpreted by local actors and singers.

The stage set up in Piazza Grande, surrounded by magnificent Renaissance architecture, offers a unique backdrop for these performances that last several days. Each year, the theme of the Bruscello changes, bringing new stories to life that captivate the audience with their emotional intensity and deep connection to the culture and history of the area.

The Bruscello of Montepulciano is much more than just a theatrical performance; it is a moment of social gathering, where the community comes together to share emotions, memories, and traditions. It is an opportunity to rediscover one's roots and to celebrate the cultural identity of Montepulciano in an atmosphere of festivity and collective participation.
43.0925997194474 11.780920506662
+39 0578 810098
Piazza Grande, Montepulciano